Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Spirituality is Being True to Yourself

Spirituality is not a standard or a set of rules or guidelines that you live by. It's not becoming a vegetarian, doing yoga, or meditating everyday. By conceptualizing these ideas, we limit and bind ourselves to everything that spirituality is not. There's no initiation to being "spiritual," no ritual. It is simply the dedication to understanding yourself and life to the deepest depths, and from this dedication stems the truths of the universe, the laws of love that we were created to live with.
In understanding the many facets of life, we come to appreciate everything that life has to offer, everything it teaches us.

When we are able to understand ourselves, we are able to understand the universe, for they are one in the same. With this knowledge comes forgiveness, forgiveness of others misunderstandings and judgments, anger and hurt, coldness and fear, but most importantly, forgiveness of ourselves. Forgiveness of the judgments WE'VE made, the decisions we regret, the words we wish we never said. And then, with this forgiveness, comes love. Unconditional love. Love in knowing that every single expression of life is rooted in the latter, in knowing that that root blooms into itself, into love, from love, and will never cease to exist.

Being Spiritual doesn't mean that you are "happy" and "cheery" all of the time, or that nothing seems to phase you, because it sure as hell does. I used to believe this crap, and because of it I put myself down, thinking that if I'm spiritual, shouldn't I be on the same "level" of these other "spiritual" beings? Shouldn't I be able to rid myself of pain and fear because I "know" the supposed truth? Why am I still crying? Why can't I live what I know? Why do I still have an ego when I know that's not who I am? WHY do I still hurt so much? I let my mind eat my heart from the inside out until I realized the truth . . .

The truth sure as hell do hurt, and you sure as hell do cry, and you will do so until YOU don't need to anymore and only you know when that is. Pain in the heart is usually a deep hurt, a hurt that takes time to let go of and heal. You should cry, you should scream, you should be angry. LET IT OUT. Just let yourself go, and know that when you are ready, and only when you are ready, your true self will be waiting for you in your heart, to actualize itself. Time isn't going anywhere, so be patient with yourself and you'll find the truth in that patience.

You'll understand that being "spiritual" is actually just trial and error for finding the truth, and the truth is whatever resonates with YOU. You'll feel it, you'll know it. You'll understand the movement and rhythm of life, and you won't be overwhelmed or overtaken by unpleasant circumstances that arise.
You'll understand the contrast of life within the oneness that it is. That pain brings life to pleasure, and that darkness is only there so that it may be lit up once again. Yes, emotions are transient and experiences are unexpected, but it's all a learning experience. Not knowing what's going to come next. Not knowing what the next piece might be to the seemingly never ending puzzle. That not-knowingness, infused with the essence of knowingness- that trust you feel towards the universe that everything is unfolding as it should- is what makes life so damn beautiful, because no matter what, life goes on, and you are still alive.

So throw yourself into the wind, trusting that life will carry you wherever you need to be, even if you have no idea where you are going. 


  1. That was so beautiful and I am SO glad I stumbled upon this. This wind brought me here and it is just what I needed.
    Please read my post TO:you FROM:the universe on frostyrocks(.)tumblr(.)com
    I think we can learn a lot from each other.
    Thanks again for posting.

  2. Wow, I REALLY needed to hear that. Well said. Please keep this inspiration flowing!

  3. Thank you both so much! im so happy you enjoyed it. frostyrocks i will definitely check out your tumblr and keep in touch so that we can continue to learn from eachother! much love to both of you <3

  4. Jenna... this was such an excellent post. I write a lot like you do, and think in a very similar way, which is why I think I enjoyed it so much. Your paragraph explaining your blog resonated the most with me, though. I've written things like this for a long time, and have been thinking about starting a blog for almost as long. I guess I've never had the courage, though, because I don't think enough people would care about what I have to say (but what is "enough"?). But very recently I started a new life, and working on a blog and writing are my two most important projects. Thanks for this. If you have any interest in chatting with a like-minded person, shoot me an email at I expect you'll get a ton of positive feedback from this post, so I won't hold my breath, but thanks again for the inspiration! :)

  5. I hope to cross paths with you and offer a warm hug one day. this is special. You are a wonderful person! nonetheless...huge bear hug! :)

    1. aw you are too sweet! i hope to do the same. i love bear hugs!! thank you thank you thank you for your kind words. i appreciate them so much! add me on fb : jenna snowbearger <3 :)

  6. Thank you...It a beautiful post!!! _/\_

  7. You are an amazing writer, and honestly feel like a kindred spirit reading this post. I am so thankful I came across this on HighExistence's Fbook just now (just saw their page for the first time) and immediately clicked on your article..your blog is so fantastic, God Bless and I can't wait to keep in touch and continue reading your posts. You are an amazing and truly beautiful person! Thank you for your words of wisdom

    1. oh the synchronicity! so glad you stumbled upon my page and enjoyed it. thank you so much for your support! blessings to you and we will definitely keep in touch. my fb is jenna snowbearger <3

  8. Hi! A Facebook post by HE sent me to this post and it is wonderful to read what you have written! I've been working on myself as well and there have been times when I used to put myself down, "scold" myself for not being this way or that. It's just been some time now that I finally realized that to be true to ourselves is NOT to repress ourselves. Good or bad we are our duality and the lesson is to learn to live with balance. To accept ourselves in totality before we can move forwards. And yes, everyone does have their own unique journey.

    The thing is meditating, reading and all the other practices are tools. Some resonates with us, some won't. I guess most of us tend to become dependent on it forgetting that they are just guidance and tools to help us reconnect with it becomes the main thing.

    Lovely post and am going to share it! :)

    1. amen sister! i totally agree with everything youve said and thank you for sharing your wisdom. i cant wait to read your blog posts! thank you so much for sharing and for your support! youre an angel! <3
